Good stuff as of 07-OCT-2012

I have noticed that lately I’ve focused more on the things that don’t go well in my life, and almost always ignore the things that do go well. So tonight I’ve made a commitment to call out the good things that happen. So from now on, I will do my best to find time to write about the good things two to three times a week, whether it be about work, family, friends, relationships, or anything that makes me feel proud.

Yesterday I had the honor of attending a friend and old coworker’s baby shower. He and his wife recently bought a house sitting on a 1 acre plot of land. Tons of family and friends attended their event to celebrate the start of a new family. I couldn’t be more happy for him. He’s a good guy that works hard for his money and also spends wisely. I’m not jealous at all – I am so happy and encouraged to see that he found a way to buy a great piece of property to start off his family on the right track. As a gift, I bought a him a Target gift card – I’ve known him long enough to know that he’s too practical. Money works better because he has more control. We were fed lots of food which included Indian and Vietnamese cuisines. Needless to say, I was enjoying myself with the food and great company. Sharing in someone’s happiness is a one of the best joys in life.

Until next time!